


CHRISTMAS EVE BODIES                                    


I must have been about seven, playing under the table and hidden by the cloth, when Mrs Thompson from next door asked Mum, “Have you heard the latest about your Madge?”

Mum said a rude word and asked, “What’s the old bat done now?”

I’d never even heard of Madge, but when Mrs Thompson said three men had been found lying in her back garden on Christmas Eve I must have gasped too loudly. Mum hauled me out and sent me packing, refusing to explain about the dead men.

So I asked Dad.

“We don’t talk about Auntie Madge – it upsets your mum,” he said, but I was wise to that trick

“Mum and Mrs Thompson were talking about her just now,” I said, so he sat me down, shut the door, and asked, “What did you hear?”

“There were three bodies found in her garden.”

“She wouldn’t hurt a soul,” Dad said, “but if you ever let on I told you about her, we’re both dead. She’s my dad’s sister. Some say she’s a witch because she’s always got huge bottles bubbling in her shed.”

“Wow! Is that why those men were dead?”

“Dead drunk, more likely,” Dad laughed. “They must have broken into her shed - and Madge’s wine packs a real wallop.”


That's it, folks! I don't know how many people read my week of stories, but thank you to those who did. I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a trouble-free New Year.


  1. Great story to end your Christmas week stories.


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