

UNDERSEA LIFE - a 100 word story

Having reached U there are not many more letters to go in the A-Z challenge, and as this is Friday I am starting with a 100 word story inspired by a photograph on Rochelle's blog - 
This is the photo
and this is my story

Whew! that was close!
I surfaced carefully enough, invisible against the snow in my polar bear furs. It was bone-numbingly cold but we need the fresh meat, and I moved so stealthily that the seal never suspected I was there.

I swear I didn’t make a sound, but suddenly their lights appeared over the ridge. 
I hid in a snowdrift until they’d gone, then I dived head-first through the hatch and here I am. I’m sure they didn’t see me, but I think the seal’s blood has left a trail.

You'd better start the engines – we'll have to move on.

Continuing the UNDERSEA theme, having gone UP Mount Teide in yesterday’s post, we mustn’t forget that its steep rocky slope also goes down 
One of the chief tourist attractions of Tenerife is the clear water that surrounds the island and which is home to many creatures from tiny fish to huge whales, On any given day there will be scores of divers exploring the UNDERSEA WORLD. 

If you don’t fancy being that UP CLOSE and personal with fish, moray eels and octopus, there are glass-bottomed boats and even a yellow submarine, which starts its tourist trips from Marina San Miguel by Amarillo Golf.
And to end today's post - UNUSUAL sights are always fascinating but it’s the small oddities that catch my attention - how's this for a spot of UP-PARKING?


  1. Love the way you are linking your story each week to the A-Z as well as to the picture clue. Another great story, Liz.
    Regarding your last photo, there is a garage near us with an old delivery van perched at a jaunty angle on the roof. Not quite sure what it is meant to imply about their services but it is certainly eye-catching.

    1. Thanks aw - there's no way I could manage two posts in one day, or expect/hope my followers ro read both, so this was the only solution! Thanks for sticking with me.
      The car in my photo is in a container depot/truck stop so has no bearing on their business!

  2. Hi dawn- had to be done! Have a good weekend.

  3. Sounds like a submariner espionage story is taking place in the background.

    1. I was thinking more of survivors of an alien invasion, but feel free to write your own story!

  4. Life under the sea is so strange and beautiful.

    I'm holding my breath after reading your story. I assume your character was too!

    Annalisa, writing A-Z vignettes, at Wake Up, Eat, Write, Sleep

    1. I hope my character is in a submarine and only holdinghis breath from nerves rather than necessity!

  5. Ah, we better take care when we are alone with hostile surroundings,

    1. You never know what's on the far side of the ridge.

  6. Dear Liz,

    Intriguing undersea piece. That would be my way to travel. ;) Very visual and well written.




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