

QUESO, QUINCE & QUESILLO - A recipe for the A-Z Challenge.

QUESO = Cheese. Most of the local cheese in Tenerife is made from goat milk – cows don’t live happily in our climate and any there are have to be kept indoors or they get sunburned. The supermarkets stock Gouda and Cheddar but we also like the local cheeses – even the fresh white cheese loses its rubbery texture when fried and served with jam 

QUINCE JAM - Membrillo is something I had never encountered before coming to Teneirfe, but every supermarket stocks these slabs of sticky brown quince jam. The traditional way to eat it is in slices on top of cheese.

QUESILLO – continuing the food theme tor today, quesillo is my favourite pudding when eating out. It is similar to flan, which is a caramel egg custard, but the texture is less smooth. You can also get quesillo almendra which is made with ground almonds. Every quesillo is slightly different because they are almost always homemade.
I made some today just so that I could take a photograph – the sacrifices I make in the interests of research!

This is my recipe, though I only used half quantities to make about a pint of pudding.
4 large eggs, 4 tablespoons granulated sugar, 2 tablespoon water 350g can condensed milk, then use the condensed milk tin to measure two of fresh milk, juice of ½ lemon, 2 teaspoons powdered cinnamon.
* Dissolve sugar in water over low heat then boilrapidly without stirring until golden brown. Use this caramel to line a well-buttered bowl.
* Separate eggs. Beat the whites till frothy then mix in yolks.
* Add condensed milk and fresh milk, beat well.
* Finally add lemon juice and cinnamon.
* Pour into caramelised bowl and cook in a bain marie at̊ 180̊ for 60 – 90 minutes.
* Cool in bowl and turn out just before serving. The caramel will run down the side so make sure the serving dish is deep enough.
* You can serve it with cream and/or dark berries, but I prefer it neat. It slides down easily even after a huge barbecue.


  1. I've made quince jelly and it goes well with cold meats as well as being used to sandwich sponge cakes and on crumpets. The stiffer version you describe here is often referred to as quince cheese in the UK.

    1. Cheese because of its texture like fresh cheese, perhaps?

  2. I was going to mention quince jelly in the UK too, but as it's already been done I'll just express gratitude for your sacrifices in the name of research. That dessert looks delicious. I hope you weren't forced to eat all of it (winks).
    Anabel's Travel Blog
    Adventures of a retired librarian

    1. As it happens, Anabel, one of my daughters lives nearby. And my gestore popped round with a tax form so she tried some. It's actually quite filling so there's enough to share.

  3. I'm really glad you stopped by my post for #AtoZ; what a fascinating and beautiful place you live in. I don't know about that cheese, but I'll be enjoying your posts. Now your newest follower

    1. So glad you made it back to read mine, Sim. If you like cheese you'd be bound to find one variety of goat cheese you like. And Welcome to my small band of followers.

  4. Cheese and slices of jam? That's so alien to everything I know!!

    The Quesillo looks delicious - I'm jealous that you get to eat it without us, though :-)

    Annalisa, writing A-Z vignettes, at Wake Up, Eat, Write, Sleep

  5. I gave half of it away, Annalisa. As for jam with cheese, why not? We have sweet mint jelly with lamb, cranberry sauce with turkey, chutney with cold meat ...

  6. I gave half of it away, Annalisa. As for jam with cheese, why not? We have sweet mint jelly with lamb, cranberry sauce with turkey, chutney with cold meat ...

  7. All sounds delicious 😋!


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