


LEARNING THE LANGUAGE – Yes, I have learned Spanish – it would have been rude not to. I am a foreigner who chose to move here, and it’s a Spanish speaking island.
I don’t speak it perfectly by any means, but I can hold a conversation and shop without pointing - there's a limit to what you can convey with sign language.
I can also cope with most medical situations. By giving myself a crash course in medical-speak I even survived a week in hospital having a hip replacement after living here for only a year.
As hospitals go, the Clinica Verde in Las Americas - a private hospital that takes some national health patients - isn't a bad place to be incarcerated, though having a bed bath in a room with two other patients and no curtains was a novel experience!

Our lives are enriched by being able to talk to Spanish people as well as English, and I have sometimes helped our 10 year old neighbour with her English homework. For the next month I will also be helping her father learn English, and that's even more of a challenge, as his native tongue is Italian!
 Call me Professora Liz!  

LAUNDRY – One of the advantages of life in Tenerife is that you very rarely need a tumble-drier, but not everyone has a terrace like ours, so they Leave their Laundry out on the pavement.  I took this photo in a back alley in Los Abrigos. It doesn't get much sun but the temperature was 30 degrees.

And this line of washing in Las Galletas gets the sun all day. There is also a graffiti'd line of washing on the wall behind it - a visual joke which always makes me smile.

... and, talking as we were of hip replacements, here's a bit of FLASH FICTION to finish with.


My world has shrunk to this.
I should be grateful – they’ve decorated the room and hung pretty curtains. 
But the window is double-glazed, and although I can see the children throwing snowballs I can’t hear them.
I’m afraid to look in the mirror in case I’ve disappeared.

I wanted to go outside in the snow yesterday but I couldn’t find my boots, and I knew Edie had hidden them when she said, “You could break your hip, Mother, and then where would you be?”
In a nursing home is where I’d be, with other people to talk to.

Edie's gone out for a while - I think I’ll get my coat.

Thank you for reading - please leave a comment so I know you've been here!


  1. Ah, poor Mother.

    I think it's important to learn the language of any country you choose to live in - what's the point of being there if you don't want to mingle with the locals?

    Annalisa, writing A-Z vignettes, at Wake Up, Eat, Write, Sleep

  2. Spanish is a beautiful language :) And I wish I could air-dry my clothes here in the US - tumble-dryers are awful.

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - 26 Ways to Die in Medieval Hungary

    1. I enjoy speaking Spanish, but the language I love listening to is Italian - it's do melifluous.

  3. smart to learn the language. I'm sure it's surprising how much you've absorbed just from living there. I guess the key is if you dream in Spanish - that will take a while.
    Neat post and life

    1. I have spokedn Spanish in a dream, and when I'm in the UK I have occasionally spoken Spanish to and English shopkeeper!


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