


I was visiting a friend today in hospital in Santa Cruz. The woman who shares her room went into the en suite bathroom just before a couple came to visit her. At least I assumed they were a couple.
They asked where she was. I told them and turned back to talk to my friend.
The other patient came out of the bathroom to discover her mobile phone was missing, along with the young man.
Her visitor had assumed he was with me, just as I had assumed he was with her.
He had calmly walked into a room where two women were seriously ill and stolen a mobile phone from the patient's side-table.
One could almost wish it was contaminated with eboli.


  1. There are no limits to the depths that some nasty people will sink to. I know I've moaned this moan before, but if only we all cared for each other the world would be at peace.

    There's an award for you on my blog. :-)

  2. Disgusting! I don't think I can put on here what should happen to people like that, but I'm sure you are on a similar wavelength.

  3. Hit a person while they're down, why don't they? I wonder if the hospital has CCTV? They say don't take your valuables with you to hospital, but you'd hope , in a small ward, you would be safe.
    I take it the illustration was an exact photofit? He'll soon be caught then!

  4. That's lower than low. It's a terrible shame we can't set a possession down for two seconds without it getting ripped off.

  5. That's lower than low. It's a terrible shame we can't set a possession down for two seconds without it getting ripped off.


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