




Punch and I have been performing on Swanage beach for a century. I don’t look old enough? So kind. It’s amazing what a touch of lipstick can do – and years of covering bruises with greasepaint!

What was I saying? You’ll have to forgive me – memory’s not what it was. Oh yes – the Woke Brigade. They’ve decided we’re too violent. Can you believe it? Compared with the way those kids’ parents behave, a few head-bashes are mild.

Here we are, two pensioners without an income, and they’ve stopped our winter fuel allowance. They want rid of us.

That’s the way to do it!


It is a month since I joined in Rochelle's Friday Fictioneers' party. I have had major surgery on a badly broken ankle, and my mind hasn't been in the right state for writing. But Sandra Crook's photo of Swanage Beach - I could hardly resist, could I? I spent a summer there 50 years ago, and have fond memories of my children digging on that very beach. There were even donkey rides in those days - something else that has gone, I suspect, with an increasingly obese population becoming too much for the poor beasts to carry.

This was us back in 1973!


  1. Fitting comment on the hypocrisy

  2. The hypocrisy screams. The bruises on Judy's face are a sad little nod to too many realities though.

  3. Oh my...heal quickly.
    Great take.

  4. The title is perfect, Liz! A great take dripping with sarcasm. I love it! So sorry to hear about your surgery. I empathize as I'm one month post-op back surgery. Best wishes for your recovery.

    1. Thanks, TSS. Back surgery is serious - hope your recovery is smooth sailing x

  5. Hope your ankle is improving. Loved the little dig. Keep warm - Sandra

  6. it was where the woke brigade started? i'm impressed. :)

  7. A timely comment on the way things have become for pensioners here in the UK.

    1. That £300 makes an enormous difference to some. I know there will be others who don't need it, same as child benefit, but a society is judged but the way it cares for its vulnerable members.

  8. There's never been a shortage of people who felt it was their job to tell everyone else how to live without a care for who they hurt along the way. Unfortunately, social media has given those people power. Now, everybody has to do it. Nicely said.

    1. You are so right, Nobbin - it's fortunate that the majority of people are still decent.

  9. Dear Liz,
    Great social commentary. Loved the voice in this. Sending prayers and good thoughts for your speedy recovery.


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