On my way to Canada I bought Christmas presents for my son and daughter-in-law. One day I walked into Ingersoll town - yes, walked - past lovely houses, half of them already decorated for Halloween, and when I reached Main Street I wandered round the shops looking for Christmas wrapping paper.
Could I find any? Fat chance!
In Tenerife and England, Christmas hit the shops as soon as the "Back to School" stuff had gone. Not so in Canada. Halloween had taken over.
In the Dollarmart there were Halloween costumes and decorations, Halloween paper plates and candles, Trick or Treat sweetie bags, plastic pumpkins, scary lanterns, glow-in-the-dark skeletons, witches brooms and hats, spiders and rats and cobwebs. But no Christmas paper. I found one solitary pack of holly-decorated napkins and bought those plus a roll of Sellotape to make my own wrappings.
And today, back in Tenerife, I have succumbed to the pressure and laid in supplies for when crowds of neighbourhood kids come knocking on the door. The only English words most of them know are "Trick or Treat" (and those are American) but they all know how to hold out a goodie bag. I admire their costumes, give extra sweets to the ones I know, and take a photo of each group so they know it's not worth trying a return visit on this foreigner!
I'm not really in favour of Halloween - I don't like people I don't know knocking on my door expecting to be given something. Or am I just the Halloween equivalent of Scrooge!!
ReplyDeleteI'm not in favour either, because in some cases it's blackmail - give us sweets or we'll throw eggs on your terrace. Joining in is simply the lesser of two evils, and I know it's wimpish!
ReplyDeleteHalloween never seems to happen around here anymore as everyone's children have grown out of now. I haven't bought any treats or anything as we've had nobody round last two years and I end up eating all the sweets.
ReplyDeleteWe used to go knocking, but never on a stranger's door. Never know who might be lurking behind there.
Best wishes
Debbie W
I love the idea of taking their photo! I'm an old misery and just turn the lights off at the front of the house :-D
ReplyDeleteWe had the same thing when we lived in the States for a couple of years. Now this is cleared out of the shops, it'll be stuffed to the gills with Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a fan of Hallowe'en here. It's not a tradition over there like it is there; it's just grown up from the commercialism that has been foisted on us. I agree that it's difficult if you don't want to take part. The 'rules' over there are that if someone has their porch light off, then you don't knock on the door. Shame it's not so simple here - but again, I think it's because it's not 'our' tradition, just imported wholesale. I'm in agreement with Sally.
ps - There is a Super Sweet Blogging Award for you on my blog!