


Today's Flash Fiction is two separate stories from my archives, linked with another. Apart from changing the names of couple one and three to match the new middle chapter, the stories remain as they were - only the middle one is new. If you've followed all that, read on...

“It feels like we’ll never be finished.” Julie straightened up from chasing in an electric cable and gestured at the tasks still remaining. Mark murmured sympathy, but they both knew DIY was the only way they could afford their own home.
Spending every weekend working on the house left no time or energy for romance, but Julie was still hurt that Mark had forgotten their anniversary. Until she opened their new front door to the sight of a candlelit picnic table, and Mark ushered her to a packing-case seat.
“Get your idle bum off that sofa and cut the grass!” Julie yelled.
Mark sighed theatrically, but he plugged the lawn-mower into the kitchen socket and started up the machine.
Julie was making tea when the fuse blew. Mark stormed through to the fuse box and flipped the trip-switch back on. “Where’s the toolbox? I ran over the cable.”
“Unplug the mower before you touch it.”
“No need - I know what I’m doing, woman.”
Julie stood motionless, counting to ten. When Mark screamed she waited several seconds before she pulled out the plug.
Mark was building a fence - to stop old Mrs Williams sticking her nose in their business - when Julie brought him a mug of tea.
He gulped a mouthful, spluttered, “Stupid bitch - no sugar!” and swung his fist, forgetting the hammer until it was too late. Acting quickly, he drove into the forest to bury her body deep, then went home and finished the fence. 
When Mrs Williams asked after Julie, he said she had run away, but the old lady suspected otherwise. 
So did the police. Two months later the mushroom spores he’d carried home on his boots put Mark in jail.


  1. What a clever twist. Poor Julie.

    1. Poor Julie has evolved into half a novel since i wrote that flash story - watch that space!


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